
  • Pre-hunt scouting is important to the success of your deer hunt. You should know that a buck is living in, and utilizing, the area you plan to hunt. If you plan for success, there’s a much better chance you’ll have it.
  • Full camouflage, game calls, and all the hunting gimmicks you can buy won’t make up for poor hunting techniques. To be consistently successful deer hunting, you need to work on your hunting skills.
  • A soft, quiet bugling sound can get big results. Most often it’s best if you don’t sound like the biggest, meanest bull in the forest.
  • Just because a bull does not answer your calling and bugling sounds, does not mean that he is not responding. Bulls will very often surprise you and approach silently.
  • Knowledge of the animal and proven hunting techniques are the keys to a successful hunt.
  • There’s a big myth about going after a ‘herd bull.’ The ‘herd bull’ is nothing more than a bull elk that’s in control of the cow herd at a specific time. During the rut, a bull may only be the ‘herd bull’ for a day before being replaced by another aggressive bull. Large bull elk can be found both with the cows and away from the cows, prior to and during the rut.
  • Hey, turkey hunting isn’t too hard. All you got to be is just a little bit smarter than the dang turkey!
  • When we set out to make our new inflatable turkey decoys, we didn’t try to make the other turkey decoys old-fashioned. It just happened that way!
  • Blowing on a game call and mimicking the sounds of the animals you’re after is great fun. That’s why most hunters blow on their call way too much. A little less calling is much better than a little too much.
  • There’s a good chance that the very last sound a low-down varmint will ever hear will be the screams of a Sceery predator call. He’ll never hear the gun go off!
  • The three most important things to remember when predator calling are: 1. Be quiet and don’t move. 2. Be quiet and don’t move. 3. Be quiet and don’t move.
  • A rabbit in distress call is used to call varmints. A carrot in distress call must be used to call in rabbits.” - Ed Sceery
  • Most coyotes live in an established territory called their home range. During their daily travels, they mark the boundaries of their home range by using scent posts, and protect their home range from the intrusion of other coyotes. When a coyote hears a strange coyote howl in his territory, his natural instinct is to go investigate the trespasser. When you use a Sceery coyote howler, expect that nearby coyotes will come and investigate the source of the sound. It’s very easy and it works great! Howling has proven to be a strikingly effective way to locate and call coyotes into close range. Even better — combine howling with a prey distress sound, such as a Sceery AP-2 Cottontail Distress, and get ready for some fast action.
  • A coyote hunter who is not howling along with using his varmint call is making a big mistake. By howling and using traditional predator calling sounds, you’ll add excitement to your hunt and call in a lot more coyotes!